How It Works

We’ll have weekly (or regular) calls (Zoom or in person) to go over your chosen goals, challenges and progress, moving toward your desired outcomes.  I am your accountability partner, offering you guidance, helping you to internalize and achieve your specific goals by keeping them top of mind.

Optimize Your Health Discovery Session:  this free exploratory session is for you to see if coaching is right for you.  If you are motivated, and ready to work on realistic outcomes at a pace that is right for your energy and lifestyle, you will succeed in moving in a positive direction with your desired outcomes.  I help guide and support your progress, especially when it gets hard and motivation fades away.  Whether or not you decide on coaching, my goal is for you to complete this session encouraged and empowered to take action on improving your health.

Optimize Your Health Individual Coaching:  this is 1 on 1 regular coaching to help you incrementally achieve your markers, week to week moving in a positive direction.  At the conclusion of your program, you will have resources and tools to continue forward with optimizing your health journey.  Each session includes sharing helpful resources, check in, conversation and your intentions and goals for the next week.  I am your accountability partner guiding you to incrementally achieve your markers, week to week moving in a positive direction.  I offer a 6 week to 90 day program.

Optimize Your Health Group Coaching:  this 6 weeks to better health program meets on Zoom weekly for 75 minutes.  Group interaction offers an energy boost through valuable mutual interaction and support including sharing ideas and solutions that helps with navigating through the change process.  This helps to keep you focused, accountable, and motivated through the inevitable ambiguity and obstacles. You choose your goals at the start.  Each session includes sharing helpful resources, check in, conversation and your intentions and goals for the next week.  The goal is for you to incrementally achieve your markers, week to week moving in a positive direction.